
Davidkibler.com refocus and redesign

Feb 8, 2023 | Case Studies

One of our previous launches was for Kibler Financial Coaching for DavidKibler.com. Kibler is the senior pastor at Catalyst Christian Church in Nicholasville, Ky., and is a certified Dave Ramsey Financial Coach. The initial site design was for his financial coaching. Kibler then wrote a book on marriage so he wanted to refocus his site on marriage as a whole which does include financing. After I sat down with Kibler to talk about the new design, it was decided that we would stick with WordPress. We were able to continue to use Gravity Forms to allow customers to provide their basic contact information to Kibler.

Speaking Events

Another part of the new focus and design is Kiber has started speaking at various churches and conferences on marriage, pulling information from his book. Churches and groups can visit the site and request information on having Kibler come and speak.
We used the Events Calendar along with Divi Events Calendar to show where Kibler will be speaking in the future and after a couple of speaking events are over, we can modify the design to show events that have passed.
We also can use the theme’s built-in module to display reviews of the book and of the conference to show visitors testimonials.
The site is also set up on our maintenance plans which provide all updates and backups for the site as well as the use of the premium plugins, Gravity Forms, and iThemes Security.

Additional Plugins

The site is also set up on our maintenance plans which provide all updates and backups for the site. Other integrations include Rank Math for SEO, Gravity Forms for contact forms and Updraft Plus so the site can be backed up daily to Amazon S3 storage.
For more information on our maintenance plans and/or a new website design, please feel free to contact us and set up an appointment.

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