They needed a site where they could tell everyone what they do and explain the process along with having a way for those wanting his services to be able to get a free consultation and also pay for coaching packages.
We built a site that was clean and responsive so that it looks good on a mobile device along with building a way to get a free consultation by filling out a form and then also purchasing a coaching session plan and making their first appointment.
By being a customer of Jordan Web Solutions, we were able to use Gravity Forms to allow customers to provide their basic contact information so they could arrange a free consultation. After the customer fills out the form, the information is emailed to Kibler Financial Coaching so that they can contact the customer to set up their appointment.
Purchasing and booking online with Kibler Financial Coaching
If the customer decides that they want to purchase a coaching plan, we integrated Easy Digital Downloads with Amelia Online Booking into the website. By using Easy Digital Downloads, we were also able to set up the purchasing process with PayPal to accept the payments and return the customer to a receipt screen. At this screen, we added the Amelia Online Booking plugin which will allow the customer to book their first session.
We synced the Amelia plugin with Kibler’s calendar so anytime someone books an appointment, he will get an email and the appointment will show up on his calendar. He will have all of the customer’s information in the event.
Customer testimonials are handled by the Testify plugin which will place random testimonials in set places around the website. We also added a plugin that will place random quotes on money and how to handle money throughout the website. These quotes can be changed easily in the admin panel of the site.
Kibler Financial Coaching is also set up on our maintenance plans which provide all updates and backups for the site as well as the use of the premium plugins, Gravity Forms and iThemes Security.
For more information on our maintenance plans and/or a new website design, please feel free to contact us and set up an appointment.